About magic words and liqueurs – Gramma Wines

“Wine is one of the most civilized things in the world and one of the most natural things of the world that has been brought to the greatest perfection, and it offers a greater range for enjoyment and appreciation than, possibly, any other purely sensory thing.” ― Ernest Hemingway

A unique experience is the basis for some memories among special people. Special moments deserve to be told, so that those who hear them feel that they live those stories, even if they were not there. As Ernest Hemingway said, wine is the natural thing brought to the stage of perfection, but also the one that offers an absolutely unique sensory experience. His purpose is to translate us into a world of story where the word is king, and conversations are born easily and without hindrance. 

We had the great pleasure to visit this beautiful, perfect place that will remain in our heart. At the invitation of Casian Popa, founder and trainer of Snoblesse.ro and of the Olteanu family, we traveled this perfect journey to meet the Gramma wines. An experiment more than exciting with strong positive echoes. We have discovered an interesting world, a tradition, a great family and a beautiful history behind these wines, and I understand why this wine can be called the wine of the conversation. 

The three varieties, Feteasca Albă, Feteasca Regală and the much appreciated Aligoté succeeded  on the domestic wine market, but Gramma went abroad, even succeeding in 2013 to win an important prize, the gold medal at BestWine 2013 just in Japan  with Aligoté. It is also a truly impressive wine with fresh citrus flavors, it is mineral and delicate and reminds you of freshly mown grass. It sends you somewhere far away to a mead where you can enjoy a wonderful picnic with friends. 

Because I want to tell you about these extraordinary wines I will go through some historical aspects about the family that founded the wine cellar. The story begins in 1992 when the Olteanu family left the capital to settle in Iaşi and to found a few years later here on the hills of Visan this perfect lace. It was not easy but they worked and managed to accomplish something absolutely extraordinary, a place that will stay here to continue the tradition started by them. In 2005, the Olteanu family accessed SAPARD funds for the creation of the wine cellar, following the model of those in southern France. From here on, started a story, with ups and downs with beautiful  and critical moments specific for this kind of business. 

Cuveé Vişan, the perfect result of well prepared hands is no more than a defining element of Gramma wines. The year 2010, which was a problematic year for grape production, gave rise to this wonderful wine,almost as an result of a superior will, precisely to redress the loss. The heavy winter, the heavy rains and the heat wave in August of that year were devastating, so that the three varieties could not be separately vinified and it was chosen to make one wine made from Fetească Regală, Fetească Albă and Aligoté, becomes a spectacular result: Cuveé Vişan. 

Besides the white wines that managed to impress me in the first few moments, I declare my love to Cuveé Vişan – Rose because its perfume managed to awaken my senses and make me dream about the holidays. And I want you to believe that when I go on holiday I will do it with this wonderful wine. I want you to close your eyes and think that you have a glass of this wonderful wine next to you, I want you to think of subtle shades of nice and strawberry, I want you to see an absolutely gorgeous and full color. 

The full range of the Gramma wine cellar consists of the following labels::  Fetească Albă,  Aligoté, Fetească Regală, Cuveé Vişan, Cuveé Vişan – Rose, Cuveé Vişan Rose – Magnum, Cuveé Vişan Roșu, Metaph Alb, Metaph Rose, Metaph Roșu, Epic, Liric, Dramatic, Ydilic.

A unique experience is the basis for some memories among special people. Special moments deserve to be told, so that those who hear them feel that they live those stories, even if they were not there. As Ernest Hemingway said, wine is the natural thing brought to the stage of perfection, but also the one that offers an absolutely unique sensory experience. His purpose is to translate us into a world of story where the word is king, and conversations are born easily and without hindrance. 

Ending with a quote that is part of my soul book because it refers to memories and I think here at Gramma we created a beautiful album that we will not forget, we met special people whom we cherish and whom we want to bring their wines as far as possible:…„After all these are not the memoirs of an empress, nor of a queen. These are memoirs of another kind.”

Text and pics by Yleana Bocu

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